I am a science communication champion and believe that science should be accessible to everyone. To achieve this, I use social media as a platform to talk about cool science, in particular marine microbiology. I am also keen to give public lectures, workshops and interviews with the press.

Student Beans - I'd Quit but I'm Broke Podcast
An invited guest on the Student Beans podcast I'd Quit But I'm Broke Season 2 Episode 4. You can learn more about me, what I like and my career in science. I also discuss the worst job I did during school and undergrad. Listen Here.
Wonder Women at the NMA
Invited speaker at the National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth, Uk to talk about my career in STEM.
“I would like to send all you amazing ladies a huge thank you for a hugely eye opening experience this evening for my daughter and her best friend. They were hugely inspirational!! They are hugely inspired by the achievements, bravery and confidence of your amazing speakers and are now very excited about their options to achieve their dreams.” - Attendee

ITV News Interview
Invited to speak on ITV News four part series on Natural Remedies to fight climate change. Report by ITV's Lauren Hall.
“These restoration projects will help to replant some of these seagrasses to actually be able to mitigate the impacts of climate change as they are able to take up carbon in the process of photosynthesis and can also protect the coastlines from storm surges and sea level rises.”- Yasmin Meeda
Women in Ocean Science Interview
An Interview with Stephanie Macdonald about marine molecular biology.